We’re in a period of deep confusion about the priesthood. Some people wonder why the priesthood exists, others wonder why women can’t be priests. The abuse crisis and examples of bad priests have added to that confusion, causing people to misunderstand this vocation established by Christ.

In this episode, Fr. Blake and Brandon discuss the origin of the priesthood, why it exists, and its significance today. They also discuss how laypeople can help priests become better priests and what qualities define a great priest.


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  • Thank you, thank you, thank you and God bless you both my mum always taught us when anything good happens for us or those we love remember to say thankyou and thank God. Off to write my letters to thank our wonderful parish priests and our wonderful bishop here in Derry, Northern Ireland 🙏🏻💕

  • This is a wonderful podcast that extols the beauty of Catholicism, thank you both! I always find it difficult when priests are moved from parishes every 5-6 years because we parishioners do become attached to our priests and it seems that many priests become attached to their parishioners. Is is better for priests and parishioners alike, for priests to remain for longer periods of time at a parish? Should that be the norm or was it? Is this due to the shortage of priests? Thank you for your priesthood Fr. Blake!

  • By
    Thank you for opening my eyes to seeing the priesthood in new and different ways. Hopefully I will follow through with the support they need.
    I enjoy the friendship you and Father Blake share. It makes your podcasts “Real” during these days when smiles and laughter are so needed.

  • Your Burrowshire podcast is such a pleasure to watch/listen to, every time, every topic, and so full of new and valuable information. The presentation by both of you is always inspirational and so heartfelt!
    Thank you both, and please keep on this path to your own sainthood, and hopefully mine as well! Feel free to share this message of praise with your family, parishioners, and your Bishop! Thank you so much!
    God bless you.

  • Beautiful reflection – I especially appreciate the discussion on expanding our spheres of sanctification based upon our vocation. I consider how I am called not only to diakonia, but to expand my sphere of sanctification through my diakonia.

    A very thoughtful letter headed out to AB Noonan 🙂

    • Juan,
      I have much more than a portrait of Pope Francis…I have an apostolic blessing from him for my ordination!!! It is the framed picture underneath the crucifix. Such a great gift!

  • Very powerful words the people in my car heard on our journey. I stopped the video several times so that we could comment and create discussions. We really loved the topic as being useful to our relation to our current priest, several issues over our history and on how to support each other. Best car ride ever!

  • Thank you Father Blake and Brandon. Everything you shared today touched my heart and was a wonderful reminder of who we are called to be in life. God’s blessings to all.

  • I was raised Lutheran. I became a Catholic as an adult 8 years ago. I have been blessed with wonderful priests in my life, and I did what you said – I sent a letter to the bishop. Lo and behold I received a personal thank you note from the archbishop of the diocese.

    The attacks on the Catholic priests are so sad. Abuse is not limited to the Catholic church. It’s rampant, unfortunately, everywhere, in all denominations.

    Thanks for this positive, uplifting episode.

  • What a beautiful reflection on both the vocations of marriage and of the Priesthood. It is not what you do, it’s who you are. God bless both of you and your friendship, Brandon V. and Father Blake.

    (I would love to see a podcast on the shrine of Our Lady of La Leche, in St Augustine. I hope you get the opportunity to do it!)

    Thank you both for your podcasts, and thank you, Father Blake for all you do for St Mary’s. You are a blessing!

  • Another favorite! We, the Council of Catholic Women, finally were able to meet this week. My participation includes the Burse Club and the importance of supporting our seminarians and vocations. I recommended the Burrowshire Podcast for inspiration. I myself wrote a note of appreciation and thanks to each of our parish priests. Haven’t composed anything to Bishop Noonan yet!
    I would love to hear more on the Florida martyrs. A few years ago at a statewide CCW convention we heard a pediatrician in Jacksonville speak about their cause..
    Thank you Fr Blake and Brandon !

  • As always, a terrific episode! I myself am a first year seminarian, and I found this incredibly helpful and enlightening. Remember to pray for your priests and seminarians!


  • Thank you, Brandon and Fr. Blake!! We are all blessed by these podcasts. You are both salt and light to a world in much need!! May God continue to bless both of you in all your endeavors!!

  • Thank you for this program on the priesthood. I’ve been bothered by that confusion of vocation and job and am glad that you addressed that. It seems to me to be heightened by the use of the words “retirement” and “career” in reference to priests. In reflecting on this I was certain that it is seriously wrong to say this. I am married to my husband. That is my vocation. While I have retired from my job and from the daily tasks of child care, I have not retired from my vocation. I am still a wife and a mother. The “how” changed but not the essence. It makes sense that the priest might retire from being administrator of a parish, but never from the reality of his life being for others. Thanks for validating my thoughts on this.

  • This was a beautiful explanation of the priesthood. I have often felt that women should be allowed to be priests. I felt Jesus only picked men to be apostles because of the patriarchal society of the time. I felt that women could embody the spirit of Jesus just as well as men during the eucharistic consecration. You have helped me to understand the necessity of a priest being physically a man because it is important to channel both Jesus’s spirit and his incarnate body. I tend to discount the body and focus on the spirit in my theological thinking. It is interesting to think of our souls as being male or female too. I do still however have issues with all decisions being made in the hierarchy of the church by men. I still definitely think that women should be deacons. I have heard no convincing arguments against that!

  • This is, my first time to leave a comment it was very inspiring, and enlighten, helpful. It also thought me for importance of praying for priests. Bless you both for these wonderful podcast.

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