We live in an age that does not know how to recognize and reconcile its woundedness. This explains why we lash out at others, why we seek false substitutes for God such as Netflix, food, pornography, and drugs, and why we avoid long periods of silent introspection. If we want to deepen our spiritual life, we must discern our wounds, asking Christ to name them and heal them. It’s the only path to freedom and the redemption of our personality.
- The Praktikos by Evagrius Ponticus
- Heart Speaks to Heart: A Review of Life and Healing Prayer by Fr. John Horn
- https://JPIIhealingcenter.org
Good talk. I feel we are on a collective Spiritual Awakening. I feel like I went through hell. Dark Night of the Soul would be a great topic, Christ Consciousness, how we are all unified as one in God and have the Christ light within us. We were created in his image therefore, we are all part of Christ. Knowing and understanding Dark Night of the Soul would have been great to understand and been taught through the 25 years of being catholic. St. John, Mother Theresa went through this. How to identify it
That episode was very helpful for me. In the last few years I have just begun hearing about spiritual woundedness and the need for healing. I really appreciate the suggestions on what to do about it.
Dr. Bob Schuchts’ book are a great resource too!
This would be a wonderful resource for the Courage Apostolate. Please reach out to Fr. Bochanski with this content!
Yes! That is a wonderful ministry. Thank you for the suggestion
That show went by so quickly! So much great, helpful information. Thank you both.
You’re welcome! Thank you for listening!
This was absolutely amazing, and as it turns out very timely. It came at a time of particular difficulty in my life. I needed a little motivation; I now have it.
Thank you David. I am happy to hear the Lord was able to use the podcast to speak to your heart. Praying for you during this difficult time. God bless!
Wonderful podcast. Thank you to you both.
Wonderful message for everyone, there seems to be great chemistry between both of you and transmits that energy to us.
Thank you for your ministry, we need more people like you.
In northern California, where do i find a priest-counselor-psych -spiritual director for someone in great need of spiritual healing from PTSD (victim of crime.)?
Any contact is much appreciated. Man is 40 and just beginning new job finally so very low on money. Raised Catholic but seems afraid to go to sacraments after many years away.
Needs personal contact since books and concentration are not his ways.
I have been impressed by this online Catholic option –
This Podcast was so “right on the target” for me. It was the start and answer to a lot of worrying and confusion for me in years past. I purchased Heart Speaks to Heart and can hardly wait to begin.
Each of your Podcasts opens a door for me.
God bless you both!
I am loving these podcasts and especially this one! If we offer this healing in our churches people will be knocking the doors down to get in!!!
Thank you Father Blake for living your vocation joyfully and Brandon for everything you do for the faith!
I’m a 2016 convert to Catholicism because of Word On Fire! It probably saved my physical life and certainly my eternal life! May God bless you both!
BTW Heart Speaks to Heart is out of stock on Amazon.
Thank you Sally! And yes, I think that we are to blame for the book being out of stock. lol! A lot of people went to order it after hearing the podcast. I spoke with the publisher (IPF Publications). They said you should be able to place an order through them directly. God bless!
Search for Heart to Heart at this website – https://cedarhouse.co
Sorry, I should have said – Heart Speaks to Heart: A Review of Life and Healing Prayer by Fr. John Horn
I’ve often wondered why I react the way that I do to certain situations. This podcast has given me some understanding. I now have another road for reflection. Thank you!
Thank you. I plan to listen many times over as I realize how I need to hear it. It seems to me that we can truly be our own worst enemies (encouraged by Satan). It explains a lot. God bless you.
Thank you Brandon and Fr. Blake for this excellent podcast on a well-chosen topic! Your insights on healing offer support for freeing us to love more fully and to become who God created us to be.
Prior to the Church’s practice of individual confession, St. Benedict had insights into this need to get to the roots of sin as he instructed his monks to name certain faults publicly, but “when the cause of the sin lies hidden in his conscience, he is to reveal it only to the abbot or to one of the spiritual elders, who know how to heal their own wounds as well as those of others without exposing them …” (RB 46:5-6 – translation is from RB 1980)
Another incredibly common source of woundedness is having grown up in divorced or broken families. A new resource to help adult children of divorce is Life Giving Wounds (lifegivingwounds.org). Thanks for the great advice on how to approach confession!
I’m kinda late to the party but this podcast spoke to my heart in a very deep and personal way. I have been feeling like I need to search deep in my soul and you both have given me good tools to begin the journey. I particularly appreciated Fr. Britton’s discourse on making a deeper more meaningful confession. Super! Thank you both for this Burrowshire Podcast. I’ll be watching! God Bless you both.
What a wonderful topic for discussion. You two are doing important work and I thank you for doing it. What a dynamic duo.
Awesome podcast.
The second time I watched this. I got it so much better. Awesome Awesome Awesome
Wow! Amazing! You both are gift to the Mother Chu ch. I’ll pray for both of you to sustain your “ZEAL FOR THE SOUL”. Listening the talk makes my mind womder and look back what causes of my concupiscene right now. It really helps me a lot! I will start reading the resources mention. Hopefully it is available here in PH. Thank you!
This was a wonderful podcast and so very helpful for dealing with and addressing wounds! Thank you 🙏🙏🙏
Fr. Blake and Brandon, “Spiritual woundedness” was a very powerful and needed podcast. It helped me so much.
Could you discuss bible studies and reading the Bible. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start when reading the Bible.
Thank you